Watt's New

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  • Oregon Connection testing completed
    Oregon Connection testing completed
    Last updated on May 8, 2009 by The C.A.R.L.A. Team | This article is Archived | Permalink

    As some of you know we've been conducting some preliminary tests linking with the Oregon Connection via IRLP for the last couple of months. We recently completed our tests and have returned our respective networks to their normal status.

    We are still moving forward with an integrated linking solution via RF between the two systems. We expect that will take place in roughly a month or so.

    We realize that keeping both systems tied together on a full time basis doubles the traffic that either group is used to and limits the availability to use each respective network separately.

    Once that link is in place we will conduct some more testing to see what the normal connection mode will be. More than likely it will be activated by command with an automatic disconnect based on activity timers.

    Thank you for you patience during this trial test period. We'll keep everyone updated as more information becomes available.